Badminton / Work from Badminton / 9 hours
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Tuesday, 8/06/24 9:00 AM -> 6:00 PM 202 days ago
港区立芝浜小学校 Shibahama Elementary School
3 courts. Next door to the Minato Sports Center. Indoor shoes required. Entrance is on the second floor walkway. 3コート。みなとスポーツセンターの隣。 室内用シューズが必要。 入り口は2階の通路にある。 Participation fee: Free. Rental paddle: 500円. 参加費:無料 レンタルパドル:500円
Work from Shibahama elementary school. You can work on the gym floor. There are probably some power outlets and free public wifi (but I wouldn't count on it, so bring a tethering device). Play Badminton or Pickleball throughout the workday and in between meetings.